For home automation we’ll need :
- A Raspberry Pi, regardless of model (1, 2 ou 3, there’s so much today), I don’t have test on a Raspberry Pi Zero;
- A power supply 5V 1A (2.5A for a Raspberry PI 3) with a micro USB cable. Take a good quality material to avoid damaging your Raspberry Pi and especially for your own safety;
- A 4Go (micro) SD carte minimum. The ideal would be a class 10, but a lower class will be also good;
- A computer for installation and configuration of the operating system on the Raspberry Pi.
Only for the first configurations of the operating system you will need:
- A USB keyboard;
- A USB mouse;
- A screen with an HDMI input;
- A HDMI cable;
Coolblue :
- Raspberry Pi 3 model B;
- Power USB 5v 2A;
- Micro SD Sandick 16 Go;
- Pack : Raspberry Pi 3 model B + micro SD 16Go + power USB 5V + case;
- Micro SD 8 Go;
- Keyboard;
- Mouse;
- Screen;
- HDMI cable;